Vito Hafizh Cahaya Putra; " />
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Early Warning System And Monitoring Of River Water Quality Based On Internet Of Things

River conditions in Bandung City are currently in critical condition. This study aims to create an early warning system and monitoring of river water quality
based on the Internet of Things in the hope that early warnings sent through the telegram application belonging to the Bandung City DLHK officer and the Twitter
social media website, can inform the Bandung City DLHK officer that a river is in a polluted condition and the officer can immediately go to the location of river
water to carry out mitigation, and give warnings to the community. The research method used using the waterfall method which consists of: needs analysis, system
design, implementation, testing, and maintenance with sequential implementation. Data collection methods were carried out in several ways, namely: interviews,
giving questionnaires, and literature studies used in this study sourced from books, journals, seminar presentations, and the internet as references in the research
conducted. Based on the research that has been carried out, the following test results are obtained: black box testing is carried out in accordance with those
contained in the test plan with the results of each test having valid results. The results obtained from the user acceptance test which are calculated using the
Likert scale have an average value of 86.94% which fall into the category of strongly agree, and there are three guidelines which are a follow-up to the output
of the early warning system that can be carried out either by the Environmental Service. and Cleanliness (DLHK) of Bandung City and the community.
Vito Hafizh Cahaya Putra - Personal Name
Mokhamad Hendayun - Personal Name
Purnomo Yustianto - Personal Name
APA Citation
Vito Hafizh Cahaya Putra. (2021).Early Warning System And Monitoring Of River Water Quality Based On Internet Of Things.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd